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B&Q Buckets

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bobtheturkey | 17:07 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
i love that orange colour do you own anything that colour?


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due to the credit crunch

the arse has dropped outta them buckets bob
a c o c k ring
i have 2 orange colour B & Q buckets

:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Joe did you send that email?
I aint checked today.
Yes, or I used to. I owned some orange dungarees when I was pregnant many moons ago with eldest Boo. I stopped wearing them when my then husband said I resembled a tangerine.

I also divorced him.
Hello Dr fiflf

hows you?

have i misssed much this afternoon?�?
just me being rude legend. nowt new there. no i said i'd got your email addy. it puzzles me why you want me to contact you when you don't know me. are you one of those ip locators?
Question Author
but you are still jason bourne?, boo i cant say i disagree with him :)
Not me joe.Crossed purposes then i thought you said you were gonna ?
And im far too daft to do that .

Bob yes i am
and i feel an evening of jason bourne threads ahead.

that did help?�'
-- answer removed --
I have some oranges in my fruit bowl which are orange.
I have a bucket in that colour
my bucket is red but I hate B&Q right now, so that's okay.

my new camera is orange.

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B&Q Buckets

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