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Celeb sex tapes

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legendis.god | 00:30 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Anyone seen any?
Ive sen abbi titnarse and jonleslie

and paris hilton one and pammy and tommy

who else has seen any others or those

were they as good as the hype in your opinion?


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Snagged.....f67k u %&&" you silly &*%�2

Nothing more than I expected lol...
that goes without saying dear legend !

the colin farrell one was your favourite too wasnt it ?
Question Author
I nearly dropped my popcorn

ooooh mrs

what a biggggggggggggggggg

Evening! Huh - just manage to get on, and what do I find? Smut - pure smut! : )
Yep - unfortunately seen the Pammy & Tommy one. Thought I was going to be watching Tommy and the band (how naive can you get!), and then soon realised that it wasn't that at all.
Did I enjoy it? No. The reason is, I think T's gross to look at, and it seemed that the only reason the film was made, was because Tommy was loaded on he spliffs he was smoking. I'm not against porn as such - there's a huge industry for it, but many women see it in a different way to men. Doesn't do much for me at all.
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omg icey

ypu mean youre human?

welll polish my nuts and make me a milkshake

as the stif meister would say

Lol - no shame in saying that it doesn't turn me on. It's there - and if folk want to watch it, it's up to them.
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wellli guess its to be expected ���

Best to do things in reality, not have to pur over some badly-made flick.
: (
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Hi gbg - me neither.
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oh well

statisically youre in the minority

D T H?�?
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Lol - I don't know where these stats come from - but i meant i was agreeing with gbg - I don't mind if other folk want to watch them.
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well may be the boost you need?

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Mwhahaha!!! Good one!
No - NO complaints at all. If anything.....but no, no, I won't go there!! : )

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