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No water in work place!

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CAJ1 | 11:57 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
We have water coolers for drinking water but no water to flush toilets or wash our hands. Should we be sent home?


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Depends how long the water is going to be off. What is the cause of it?
Question Author
Don't know the cause but its off in the whole area and the waterboard cannot tell us when it will be back on. They said it could be 4 -12 hours and it has been off since 8am
surely itll also depend on what the workplace is.
if food is prepared there then that would have to stop.
Pipes frozen? R u in Scotland?

Use the drinking water to wash hands & fill buckets for flushing - but continue working to earn your wages!

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Yep, we have a canteen
Wet-wipes for your hands. Fill up a bucket from the water cooler to flush the loos. Tsk...blOOdy office workers...
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No, its not frozen pipes. Where will we get the water to fill buckets to flush toilets? We only have a limited supply of drinking water
Errr..Don't flush the toilets!!!!
Question Author
Err..don't flush the toilet???

I know, we'd do anything for a day off lol!
having a canteen isnt what i meant by is food prepared there. I was thinking along the lines of if it was a restaurant or something.

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Ah right lol! No, just an office and workshop with a canteen!
I'd be pannicking at this point, no water, I'll die of thirst.
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No water in work place!

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