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Raaaaaaaaaaah Thread

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Eve | 15:00 Sat 24th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
My raaaaaaah is why people can't turn up on time!!!

Been sat here waiting for someone to come do some work for half an hour and meant to be meeting my cousin in town!

Over you you, feel free to raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah away :)


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ooo feel better now :)

Why do some people only come onto a forum to moan and that's it?


Oooh, that does feel better
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That wasn't a dig at you, honey, it was a general observation xxx actors/john-barrowman.jpg xx
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I know hon :)

Lovely piccie...mmmm :)
I like a good moan. I'm very good at it.

Phhheeeewwwww :o) x

Why didn't I check the damn chicken was exactly how I wanted it BEFORE I went to the supermarket and came home and had two glasses of wine?! Now I have to stuff a chicken fillet, that has no damn fillet on it!!!!!
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