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Does your ......

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christine847 | 00:54 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
loo roll match your decor or do you use plain white?


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we get whats on offer in Tesco. so the answer to yr question at this moment is yes, its pale green.
Have pretty ones...that match the decor. Don't know why though - it all goes the same way eventually.
Usually plain white.
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we have toilet
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well... you usually do!
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no its mine Icey......I wish x
not in stoke.............its usually the sun or the daily
Lol - fancy having leather seating in a bathroom though. It'd get mould on it eventually, from the steam! Mind you, with a bathroom like that, maybe it's just for show, and the USED one's more like this... _bd7e00e4fc.jpg

: )
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what have you been doing in my bathroom ice????????? lol
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lol @ i cey
Oh blimey knobby - let's hope lippy was right and it's a pink one after all!

I can squeeze in anywhere stoke!
Laughed at your *usually do*, answer christine!! : )
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Funny how you never see brown ones.....
which'd match the decor of that bathroom above.

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