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star or planet?

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jaberwocky | 18:12 Sat 24th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
the bright light in the night sky to the west of us,is this,as i think,a planet? if so my money's on venus.any ideas? thanks.


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Go on google earth, find your house, then turn it round to face the direction you are saying and flip to the stars. It will tell you the name.
yes it is Venus . pretty isn't it
My dad told me ot was Neptune....did it have a faint star at 11'o'clock ??
I think you dad has very very good eye sight

I dont think that Neptune is visible with the naked eye
Ps It is Venus honest

Do you know how to tell a planet from a star

If you look at a star it twinkles

If you look at a planet it is a steady light it does not twinkle
Venus is pretty.

Stars twinkle because of earths atmosphere interfickering with the light :o)
Lakitu - not all of them!

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thanks to all.should have had bet on with wife.she says it was a star.what do women know!!!! oops,that's me in trouble!
Thank you Whikerman :o)

I've just recently bought a telescope and my first proper astrology books and still learning the ropes :o) x

please note telly scope for looking at stars not through bedroom windows
It is actually Jupiter and saturn is slightly below to the right of it according to my son who seems to be pretty sure,
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Jupiter is currently opposite the Sun and only beginning to work its way towards being visible again in the early dawn.
If you are very lucky to have a clear view of the eastern horison, you might be able to find it about an hour before sunrise on the 22nd of February, nestled between Mercury and Mars below a waning crescent Moon.
Saturn, currently between Spica and Regulus in the constellation Leo, does not yet rise until later in the evening.

The Planets in January
you could allso try this . you will have to find your latt & long
to get the correct sky map

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star or planet?

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