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I am not atroll or have a fake ID

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Postdog | 21:53 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
1 Answers
So can anyone throw any light on why, in 2 years and over 2500 questions answered, only 4 were removed, Answerbank have seen fit to up that figure to 35 over the last few months for no reason at all.

It's peeing me off now that I give a genuine answer and they do this, and all they can say is they won't discuss it!


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Perhaps the answers you have given have been to questions that have been removed.

I answered a question last week to follow it up, I know the girl who asked the question was getting quite abusive when replying to ABers who had given their opinion. It is no longer there and my removed answers have increased.

There seems to be, for some reason, more people on here who do start abusing each other for no reason. Perhaps this is why.

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I am not atroll or have a fake ID

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