There is a house sort of opposite where i live, its owned by some chinese family but not lived in, the curtains are always closed and at odd times one or 2 people go into the house to do what ive got no idea, its a det property how would i know if its a cannabis factory or not, what signs would i look out for? Thanks
you wont know, but a quick call with your concerns to crime stoppers wont hurt
its quite common now for the utility companies to notify the police if a property is using a lot of gas or elecrticity and in some areas police helecoptors check out heat sources with their cameras.
Other than that nothing would give it away outside if it's been setup well. If they have done it properly they will have insulated the rooms really well too, otherwise it would show up like a beacon on the police helicopters heat sensors.
There was a house opposite me where there was weed being grown. I only knew about it when loads of police turned up one afternoon and then the following week it was in the local paper.