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Barmaid Wheres our Update on Adonis?

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stompe | 19:54 Mon 26th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
The Girls are Gagging For it!!


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Come off it stompe ure jealous lol!!
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Puddi you are my Sally Jamesxxx
yeah baby yeah lol!!!
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Your my Compatible Star sign!{:)
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What are you?
me a virgo dont laugh and you betcha your a saggy!!!
ffs, we have not moved in!!! He is fine - texted earlier, but I can do without a full on, on my ass kind of thing at this stage (or at any stage!).

I am, however, planning on a little birthday fun next week!!!!!
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Dont you Swear at Me! just cos you got silks!lol Yours or His Birthday/ have you bought him a suit?

Spot on Puddi 6th of December!

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Barmaid Wheres our Update on Adonis?

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