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Check for similar answers . . .

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shivvy | 01:56 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Check for similar answers before posting a question. It always gives this option when I post a question however recently it never seems to give a list of similar questions but now it says "no relevant questions found". It used to list loads - why has this changed?


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Maybe you are asking very original questions...!
AB's search facilities are currently running 'on reduced power'.

If you use the 'search site' option, at the top of the page, you'll find that the 'proper' search has been disabled and you'll be transferred to a Google search for relevant posts. If you go to 'My Profile' and click to access the questions you've asked (or answered), AB's internal search engine returns 'timed out' about 90% of the time. That's the same search engine which seeks 'relevant questions' when you submit a new question.

The reduced search facilities have been put in place while AB's techies have been trying to sort out some of the problems with the site. Hopefully everything will be fixed when 'AB 2.0' is rolled out. (The target date is currently somewhere around March or April).

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lol pasta - I would like to think that it was the fabulousness of my questioning, but I suspected not!!

Another great answer Chris - thanks.

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Check for similar answers . . .

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