Read the actual documents
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Monitoring of Recreational Fisheries
Article 47
Recreational fisheries
1. Recreational fisheries
on a vessel in Community waters on a stock subject to a
multiannual plan shall be subject to an authorisation for that vessel issued by the flag
Member State.
2. Catches in recreational fisheries on stocks subject to a multiannual plan shall be
registered by the flag Member State.
3. Catches of species subject to a multiannual plan by recreational fisheries shall be
counted against the relevant quotas of the flag Member State. The Member States
concerned shall establish a share from such quotas to be used exclusively for the
purpose of recreational fisheries.
4. The marketing of catches from a recreational fishery shall be prohibited except for
philanthropic purposes.
This is nothing about stopping kids off the end of the pier.
It only applies to boats
People running recreational boats will have to account for what's been caught and will not be allowed to sell them