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legendis.god | 01:06 Thu 29th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Well the minions have been zapped willly nilly.

But the better folk.
Likes of myself and the knoibster are stilll here

im offf now folks

take care and see ya manyannner

D T H ?�?�?�


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Thank God for small Mercy's.
ahem ahem

night night
Question Author
thank thailand for small wives for 3 grand

who will think a grotesque freak like you is nice.

well as long as you agree to work nights



tommy taylor xx
Night night Leggy. x
-- answer removed --
Nite x

Always an early one when I'm around. Seems daft saying nite when little or nothing went before it........
Night bonny lad. x

for gods sake,

when you say you are going, why dont you go old fella?
* Mrs. Chappie - lol.

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