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Wills & Harry

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silverlace | 00:27 Fri 30th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Does anyone admire Wills and Harry?


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I like em but as for admire why?
I did admire them at their mother's funeral as they were so young but not now
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You are right I shouldnt have said admire but Im not sure how to feel about them. I want to at least respect them. I think I would like the monarchy to continue. I just dont see how it can. Not that its thier fault. I guess we just have to see them as celebrities now. But my goodness havent we got enough of them?
They're doing their best....treading egg-shells. Am waiting till they have a stronger and steadfast position, then feathers will fly!
It's not a case of admiration. It's watching two guys sometimes make fools of themselves under a very public gaze. They do what they can, considering the family they were born into, and whatever it is'll never be right by some people. I don't particularly admire them, but I've seen footage of them at their mother's funeral, and agree with jill. They showed immense courage to keep their emotions in check at the time.
I do admire them -they didnt ask to be born into such 'priveleage'.Well I am glad I wasnt born into their lifestyle -they had no chpoice but I think they have done a remarkable job at buckinine the royal trend and they are determined not to be hounded like their mother.

I think they are 2 reasonably likeable regular guys (with bodyguards -well no-one wants to die) who have to live their lives under a spotlight through no fault of themselves -so whats to complain about them ???
oops -Nytol is kicking in lol -typos not drink induced- well not until weekend anyway lol
No x
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Go to Do-it-All or Homebase and you can get as many TILES as you want SIRandyraven.

For all their privileges, who would really want their lifestyles, living in a goldfish bowl, every mistake made in public, or publicised, and magnified and chewed over. Every one has an opinion on what they say, do, wear, etc. and then having to work out who you can trust among friends/staff so that they don't sell a story on you further down the line.

I think they come over as well-adjusted young men trying to do the best they can in a lifestyle not of their own choosing,
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Antway we have got them whether we want them or not. Its abit like being forced to take a big st. bernard dog into your house to feed and care for when you are broke and cant afford it. Cos as a country we are broke are we not. There are children living in poverty.
I think they are two lovely boys & only wish they could be left alone to get on with their lives & without so much scrutiny.

But that's never gonna happen - it's the price you have to pay for being royal &/or famous.
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oops -typo SIrRandytraven -you been on the ntyol as well?

Maybe shouldnt cast the first stone as I had been ill and I couldnt sleep -dont make aspertions.

Just as well I feel a whole lot better tonight thanks.Wont need to overdose on Nytol :)

BTW -I dont worry at all -I have loads more to concern myself with in the real world -I merely come here for light relief.

Have a nice weekend.

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