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Jayne's horsey results ...

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joggerjayne | 18:23 Sat 31st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
These were my tips today ...


1.15 ... Pearl � LOST

1.45 ... Stick Together � LOST

4.00 ... Make A Mark � LOST


1.30 ... Purely By Chance � LOST

2.35 ... Buck The Legend � LOST

3.10 ... Blue Shark � LOST

4.20 ... Good Company � LOST


2.15 ... Royal Straight � LOST

3.55 ... Grand Passion � LOST


2.30 ... Magical Legend � LOST

So ... that's that, then.



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But you did get a fantastic win the other day, so that makes up for it?

Can I have a G 'n' T, please? x
Are you related to a bookmaker
Question Author
Yes, I did, on Delicious, or Delightful, or whatever it was called.

Hey, guess what ...

Yesterday, the man in my life said those 3 little words !!

The 3 little words every girl longs to hear.

Yes ... Daddy said ... "I'll drive home".


See, didn't I say Dad's are just wonderful? x
My lucky 15 :
2.15 Lingfield..Don Pietro..Lost

3.00 Donc...Doctor David..Lost

3.45 Sand...Gungadu..Lost

4.00 Weth..Naval Atttache...Lost

Seems like we have something in common !
Question Author
Oh, crikey. AB is just a disaster zone for horseracing tips.
Question Author
You're right Titch ... the only men who never let you down.

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Hey Knobbs :
Heard it was your birthday this week
Is that the day your creator joined your head to your body with that big bolt ?
someone suggested Martha Kinsman 3.30 at Doncaster - I placed a bet and guess what - LOST! That's a pound I'll never get back! lol
Still tlme for Dogs at Hove?JJ
Question Author
Knobby, it gets worse ...

(this will cheer you up, Hippy)

I backed all 5 of stokey's horses ... all 5 lost.

I back all 4 of beejay's horses ... all 4 lost.

I backed Arsenal to win 2-0, and they drew 0-0

So today ... I've lost money on 19 horses, and Arsenal.

(Move over John McCririck, ha ha)

BUT ... I had �20 on my darling Seagulls to win, and they did ... yaaayyyyy !!!
Question Author
Stompe ... don't !!

I've still got money on Liverpool to beat Chelski tomorrow.

hippy ... Martha's Kinsman was one of stokey's.
At least look at the Race Card!!!Support your local Woofers lol
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Question Author
Knobby ... you're just kidding, yes?

Jayne youre such a big gambler and not a good one either :P , do you work in the bookies or summut??
oh btw i used to live in Wetherby :) xx

Question Author
Hi, Whitey.

I'm good at BlackJack !!

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