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What is your preferred salsa brand or do you make your own?

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China Doll | 18:46 Sat 31st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
As stated.


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I like the tomato one, CD.
Tomato and Basil yum yum.
Can you get different flavours, Gormless?
deep question china
-- answer removed --
...until you appeared...
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Well it almost was Knob but you can't have everything I've learnt.

Tomato and basil sounds nice but a bit tame (actually my favourite soup flavour), is there any spice at all in it?
I don't really eat salsa, I prefer sour cream and chive or garlic and herb dips with my tortillas.
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See I don't mind that with salsa but I'm not a fan of just that alone. ALthough if I buy then then I'll also get guac as well and make nachos. I make the best nachos ever.

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What is your preferred salsa brand or do you make your own?

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