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MWB | 01:21 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It's my birthday this year!!!


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March. Yours?
Let me guess . . . definitely not 29 February.
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Don't know what day I was born. But I was born in the chinese year of the DRAGON. rawwoar!!!!!!!

Not that I believe. And I wouldn't believe if I was born in the year of the pig.
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Ah bugg@r it.

I meant TIGER.
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No mibn2cweus.

My is March the 53rd.
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Not like my birthday though!
are you decreasing in age this year then?
Mines on the 30th of February this year.
Question Author
No, not decreasing in age or on my face.

It's because I'm special. (Well, special needs.)

conflicting info there MWB you don't know which day you were born on then tell us March 53rd - hmmm
Question Author
Sorry, March 67th then.

Under a full moon with aries rising, in a thunderstorm, in the back of the ambulance with a police escort, as the **** crew for dawn.
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c0ck crew
Due to the Credit Crunch all birthdays have been cancelled

Gordon will be announcing this tomorrow I feel..

think it crowed, not rowing for Britain !!

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