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how will you feel if we lose Patrick Swayze this year?

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dot.hawkes | 00:11 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I can hardly comprehend it, it's so sad, he must be in the depths, he's such an icon in my house : (


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I know my daughter will be very upset, she has been a big fan of his since she was a young teen
When people die, whether famous or not, it's always sad for someone. I hope the guy makes it, because he's been fighting this illness for a while, and I've never heard any bad press about him.
he is somebody you see in the cinema or at home on the TV.

He is just doing a job like you or me, so don't take it to heart, he is just a person you don't know but have seen in a photo image,

FORGET and move on, same for your daughter.
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trt that;;s quite a shallow attitude but you are entitled to it. i think his life is a bit more precious than that to some people. I hope he does pull through but it is unlikely, I shall probably feel how I want to feel and not pretend not to care
I despair at the coldness of certain people on here and people in general.
I am not really a fan of Mr.Swayze but if he sucuumbs to this disease at a relatively early age it's terrible,for his family,friends and his fans.
Show some compassion and respect for pitys sake.
It will be sad when he dies but as I am not a big fan that will be my only feeling. But I can appreciate where others are coming from who see him in a different light.

If one of my favourite actors/singers died I'd look at it differently
Yeah Dot!!! How dare you show any emotion and have an opinion of your own. Sort your life out!!!! Tut!x
how will you feel? Well, by thinking about it now you are probably already summoning up those feelings, and you may find you don't actually feel them when the time comes.

No disrespect intended. I felt that way about my dad, who was sick a long time; I worried about his death, but when he actually died I had already lived through it, so to speak, and was sad but not grief-stricken.

ok, sorry to hijack your post, dot, but how do you all feel about the lunatic who dropped his four year old daughter off the West Gate Bridge in Melbourne last Tuesday ?? in front of 6 & 8 year old sons, while her mother and grandmother waited outside the toddler's new child care
for the child to arrive ???

btw, I shall be very sad when Patrick loses his fight for life - fantastic dancer - didn't know him personally but allround nice guy, could think of a few I'd rather it happened to, first, and I don't know them personally either
True for me jno. Exactly how I was with my dad's passing.
I will be sad, he seems like a genuine nice guy, I am also watching north and south on zone romantica(which he stars), I felt sad when I read in the papers that he had stopped having treatment
Really it IS sad sadder than if anyone else (ie: just a "normal" non movie star) is suffering. i felt the same way over Dianas death. Yes, it was sad...but no worse than any other young mum who dies in a car crash.

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