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Onion Rings

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Daisy13 | 15:54 Fri 18th Mar 2005 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Does anyone have a recipie for perfect deep fried onion rings with batter? I've tried a few and they just never seem to be quite right. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I follow these recipies to the letter and they just taste a bit.....odd. Like there's somthing missing. If anyone can help I'll be so grateful!


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OK see if this helps, First having sliced the onion into rings gently fry the onion until soft. Make the batter with seasoned flour, an egg, and enough water to get the batter to the right consistency. Get your oil really hot cover the onion rings in the batter mix and fry until they are a deep golden colour. Remove from the oil with a metal slotted spoon or deep frying basket if you have one and turn out onto kitchen paper to drain, and hey presto you should have good tasting onion rings

You can use ordinary flour but Tempura Flour makes a tastier job. If you want a more Onion Bhaji effect make the batter a little stiffer with a good dosing of turmeric and curry powder and optionally some finely chopped seeded green chillies.

Mix all the onion in the mixture and spoon out with two serving spoons to make a ball shape and fry in the same way.

soak the onion rings in milk before dipping in batter.
Can't remember why but it does make a diff.
you could try slicing you're onions,soaking them in water for 10-20 mins while they are soaking make up a beer batter using just lager and flour to consistancy.then flour you're rings dip in the batter an drop in the fryer for 3-5 mins
sii've also heard that before about dipping them in milk cant remeber why either
I just soak thick sliced onion rings in some milk, then drain and instantly dredge with seasoned flour.  A good shake and into the hot fat.  Mind you, these are more 'crispy' onion rings than battered.  Scrummy!
Buy the batter mix from your local fishmonger, it really does stick to the onions when they are deep fried.

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