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Gourmander | 15:03 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Have you made loads of new friends on the Internet?
I've got hundreds on here, Answerbank is the friendliest site I've ever visited. Facebook is my second favourite, everyone wants to be your friend, I've got over 300 on there. I really enjoy all my friendships, do you?


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If that's your idea of friendship, you must be very lonely
I prefer a friendship where you can look someone in the face as you are talking to them.
The trouble with adding so many names gourmander, is you forget who people are, i have that trouble, I try not to add anyone I don;t think I will really remember.
I prefer my physical friends but some are nice on AB.
dot.hawkes......................I am one of those then presumably as I asked to join your friends list months ago, and as of yet you have ignored me.
But hey.......not to worry, it's no great loss.
lmao. hah hah ha ha ha ha ha ha r u serious?
I stopped adding people from AB a while ago daniela, I tend to use it for workmates friends and family now, some of the people I have known from MSN that are on here I had added when i opened my account a couple of years ago. I can't cope with the flow of messages i get now, because i see so many messages between other people on it that are not directed at me, things go down the page so quickly on there too, and i miss things i should have seen. I will not have added you for that reason i guess.
I accept your answer dot.
I'm not on there all that often myself now though.
disagreed with a couple on there who were being nasty to someone all the time, as I do not agree with that, I left a couple of groups.
Family and close friends is best really.
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Cyber beings are nicer than human beings.
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Better to be a human being than a human doing.

Afternoon ND... Do you recommend I get dressed and go for dinner or stay here in the warm? I just can't decide and I need a good friends advice.
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Hiya CD, I'm staying in the warm till 7.30, then off out. Will be dining in, as the smorgesboard is already being prepared. Lots of snow heading your way, so it would be wise to wear something whether in or out. You must protect your delicate skin. What are friends for!
I've just met an online friend for coffee.. and she was very nice. so the 2 can merge.. should you want them to ;o)
sara did u have good time .i saw her in tesco and wish i had said hello but never .
yes, she was lovely.. we had a good laugh. she beats most of my recent dates, for sure!
I do not have any friends on the internet ,
all my friends are real ...

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