No 69!!!! I have just spent an hour going through nearly 200 7-letter girl's names and STILL can't find that darned cat (no pun intended). Would someone, anyone PLEASE put me out of my misery, and lots of others too, I shouldn't wonder. I have been eating and sleeping this d....d thing for weeks now - it's driving me nuts! Just a pointer in the right direction would help - is it a cat or a lion perhaps? Is it from a TV cartoon series or a feature film? Here's hoping Janet
Sorry, mamyalynne, it was a picture I was trying to identify, thanks anyway for your interest.
spitza - you are a star, thanks very, very much for that.
I've an awful feeling spitza didnt realise its a pic and thats just an answer but just in case going to google images again - see you there I guess lol
oh smouse, all is doomed - if you don't know the answer then there's no hope of the likes of me finding it! Surely someone must know and are quietly laughing to themselves at our efforts. Not that I automatically expect them to tell us, after all, why should we profit from their hard work but it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating!! Give us a clue please, pretty please.
No I dont have a clue and it isnt for the want of looking
I found list of cartoon cats then google imaged each one
and I keep looking everyday as if its going to suddenly jump out at me