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snowman at top of page

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fruitsalad | 19:24 Mon 02nd Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
how much longer is that going to be there?


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Till the snow melts I guess.
till the end of winter, or maybee easter?
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its a bit christmassy, and that seems like a lifetime away now.
Isn't it reprasentiative of the season rather than a holiday?
it just looks wintery, it would have santa or similar for christmasy
Well, today it's presence is particularly apt, let's focus on the positive
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the snowman's ok but the holly could go
Robinia has kindly provided this replacement logo for those evenings when AB's pipes freeze and posts refuse to go through
hehe that's apt for weekends!
Thats very cute Jno.
snowman at top of page
how much longer is that going to be there?

does it bother you that much?

is that the best topic starter you could conjure up?
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