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Who's to blame for obesity!

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Caribeing | 20:20 Mon 02nd Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Apart from medical conditons etc! who's responsible for being obese! Is it Macdonalds, KFC, Subway etc! I remember back in the 60's having bread and jam for lunch boiled egg for tea,fruit, plenty of fresh air and still remaining healthy!


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Nobody forces anybody into Macdonalds, or KFC etc,

so the obese person has there self to blame.
the obese people them self are to blame and no one else
I blame the Welsh...
Gordon Brown and New Labour.
fat *******
Sorry, that was gross! lol!
We used to eat well,did'nt have computers and the like. We would go out and play. English,Irish ,Welsh,Scots all the same snagged.
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you know mary, there were fat people around 100 years ago as well
I've never ate chocholate cake at 5am ..................... honest :0(
On a serious note Mary,
too many convenience foods, parents having to work long hours & not having the time to cook from scratch, ignorance, less physical exercise.
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yep agree with the above sachs, fat people have always been around however there is a significant increase in obesity in the last 30 years due to many factors as you have stated as well as increase in car ownership and the increase in less physically intensive jobs combined with long hours
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