I cannot speak for your area , but my Uncle who was severly disabled through a number of strokes had all sorts of equipment.This included a stair lift,commode, a walk in shower etc.
He started of by getting a social worker, who did an assessment , and then organised everything for him, the occupational therapist etc.
He was reluctant at first to get a social worker because he thought they would be looking at his bank books etc..
But honestly it was not like that at all.The social worker arranged for the occupational therapist to come , and all his equipment was as you say on loan.When he died at the age of 90 in Nov 2008 , they were brilliant and collected it for others to use.
My Mum had equipment on loan from the S.S for her hip replacement as well, this was a walking frame, a thing to raise the toilet , walking sticks etc.
So please give them a ring --just say I would like a social worker to visit me I am having some mobility probs.
Sincerely the very best of luck.