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Help... please I cant remember

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on.knowledge | 10:38 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
what i wanted to ask!


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I think you were about to put the kettle on.

yes please.
ooo yes - strong tea please!!
Ooh no, Earl Grey for me !
Question Author
no that wasn't it I can't stand tea
didnt u want my phone number.............
mine's a black coffee.

Debs, I'm in St Albans. pop over.. but I don't have Earl Grey in!
Hi again, I can always bring my own !!

Wot bikkies U like ?
oh jammie dogers and a cappachino, lovely x
whatever it was; the answer's no.
no, chocolate biscuits are the only biscuits!
No, for me - Rich tea are the ones - the art is in keeping them intact until they reach your mouth !

It's a real bummer if you mis-time it & end up with that sludgy mess in the bottom of the cup !
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you like jammy doggers then afcjan?

pic first dear you may sound sexy but look like Yootha Joyce
my pic is on face book knowledge, and isnt yootha joyce departed now, hope I dont look like her. I love jammie dodgers beat the kids to them in the tin every time.

anyway u might be like george roper .......
has anyone seen them mugs with a space in them to put your bikkies in case u havent got a spare hand to carry them. hubby got one for christmas its still in the box...............
ha ha ha i am splitting my sides here..............:-)))))))

time to put the kettle on again.....
Help... please I cant remember
what i wanted to ask!

Thats ok as ive forgotten the answer anyway!
dont worry hun, think its catching must be the cold weather xxx

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Help... please I cant remember

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