The people referred to as G------------- I have no problem with, I work with them, I see them cry, sadness, bleed Yes red, I find they can be real good friends, they work, may have a different way in life, the people I have no time for are the ones that try and change our way of life, be it Christmas, decorations, what we call our dolls, (What ever they are) This place used to be called Great Britain why, because our forefathers fought to make it great, Now it has become the dump of the world the great has gone, we let in Murderers from Romania, Pedos all the crap, the people referred to in the program came over to this country for a better life & what comes with a better life, is the way life is of that country so what right have have the cranks at the PC board to dictate what we can say & not say? If people do not like what we do, say, live, eat, drink, Ps off to another country that will give them houses, cars, lap tops, OH & yes our bloody taxes in benifits.