Being largely unemployed, I'll take whatever work's going (irrespective of whether it's at weekends or not).
For example, next Saturday evening I'll be stood out in the street (in an Essex town) monitoring taxi usage (on behalf of the local council) from 7pm to 3am.
I'm one of them, though i only work saturdays.... (in a cafe) every weekend, including bank holiday ones. my only time off is 1.1/2 wks over christmas/new year. Please feel sorry for me.... ;-(
Oh yes, Sunday is a 'rest' day, but not really that's when i catch up on everything i don't get to do during the week. Washing, ironing, cleaning, catching up with friends/family, then try to chill a bit before starting all over again on Monday, getting up at 5.30pm (cafe opens 7am). Fun Fun Fun... though i'd rather be working than not, so i am grateful.