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Gourmander | 19:40 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
When you leave Answerbank, do you have to inform the Ed?


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It's not compulsory, but generally helpful. I have always informed the ED whenever I leave, and usually got a decent reply and in one exceptional case a meal on the Kings Road. She is very nice actually.

no, you have my permission to leave. bye bye.
Question Author
Thanks Gormless. I want to stay on file, so will e-mail him of my intentions.
Just tying up some loose ends before I go.
Would you like an emergency number to contact me on?

As for the MSN, I see no reason to stop. I'm up for anything.
I rather suspect that he is not aware of the fact that your are here....somewhat. So why bother letting him know that you won't be here?
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you have to get a letter from your parents addressed to the Ed !
As soon as I post this I shall be meanding over to the AB&G to check them out.........They're both quite excited little critters: tomorrow signals a heat wave of +5c......I kid you knot, knobby.

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