Anyway, .... Chris Willingham, a partner at Fallon, the agency which created all three adverts, said: 'Like all good creative ideas nowadays, "Eyebrows" will entertain and spark conversation online and offline. It is designed to encourage involvement and imitation.'
Don't suppose the advertisers care whether you like the advert or not. The aim if it is to make sure it sticks in your mind, and it obviously does- job's a good 'un!
But yes, I have to admit I find it downright creepy, the little girl alone looks like the spawn of Satan.
I love the ad.
My gullible youngest son thinks the kids are doing it for real and he's spent hours trying to emulate them, while me & his dad are hanging onto each other, crying with laughter.
I only saw it for the first time yesterday and I thought it was hilarious. But can see why it might get annoying after a while. The one thats getting on my nerves just now is Ant & Decs takeaway.
The worse one for me is that awful kid who want's to go and do a poo round at his friend's house because they have a super duper air freshener! Whoever though that advert up should be shot!
There seems to be a trend for annoying adverts at the moment, and has been pointed out, they dont care if it is annoying as long as you remember it.
After all we are talking about it now.
The other one that annoys me is the one where the car designer beats himself up inside the car plant. It is for a german car (refuse to give make) and it is very annoying, but it works cos we remember it.
No-one want to say how bad the "Shake'n'Vac" advert was - surely one of the worst. I quite like the 'eyebrows' even if it is a bit creepy - very clever.
I think it is a great advert and very funny ! I was gobsmacked when i heard the tune though, an inspired choice to use an Old School Electro song. I take my hat off to whoever came up with that rather brilliant idea! Fantastic.