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aussie fires

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deggers316 | 10:13 Mon 09th Feb 2009 | News
8 Answers
looking at the horrendous situation in Australia one thing a few interviewees have mentioned was that they lost all the photos of their families etc
would be a good idea to people here that could have a house fire or burglary to copy all these items to a dvd / cd on a comp and send them to a friend /relative to keep as a back up,and could be re-printed


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or put them on something like flickr
All mine are on photobucket.
That is an excellent idea.

Having an off-site backup of important computer files is a good idea and one that many companies use in case of fire, burglary, flood etc.

Mind you, I have 18 CDs of digital photgraphs, plus my daughter has another 10 CDs worth, plus I have about 20 or so other backups on CDs and DVDs.

That is an awful lot of CD & DVDs to copy.

I suppose another solution is to buy a external hard drive (only about �25 for the actual disk) and copy all your files to that, then take the hard disk to a relatives house.
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yes vhg
flickr/photobucket a good idea but third party back ups only as good as their assets
i prefer a safe back up either on my own dvd-cd discs or as you say an external drive for a relative / friend to keep
We have contacts in Australia who said they put possessions in a steel containter. Unfortunately this did not prevent them being incinerated.

Why is a rich country like Australia unable to protect its communities? With global warming and exceptional temperatures and droughts occurring there over the past decade why is nothing done.

Could they not ringfence towns and communities by having a 200 metre barren strip to prevent fire encroachment? Forests in the UK have firebreak rides to prevent just this problem although obviously on a smaller scale.
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Put all historical pictures & documents onto Facebook that you want to share with heirs and extended family. School photos on Friendsreunited make sure you never lose the photos and following generations can view them.

Just hope the satellite doesn't 'pop' else all is lost? Dont forget to inform younguns of passwords in your Will.
I have many VERY important files (well, important to me) on my laptop so I do a full backup once a week and keep it in work. I bought a 160Gb portable hard drive and backup to that because you can just drag and drop files.

Basically, if your backup is important, keep it at a different location to your original files.

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