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Am I racist?

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silverlace | 18:17 Fri 30th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
At the end of a telephone conversation I had today I was asked if I would mind telling the person onthe other end of the phone my ethnic origin. He mentioned afew options with white tagged on the end. I said none of those, I am English. As this is England am I not allowed to be English.


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ethnic origin and nationality are different questions
Nationality is a relationship between a person and their state of origin, culture, association, affiliation and/or loyalty. Nationality affords the state jurisdiction over the person, and affords the person the protection of the state.

An ethnic group or ethnicity is a population of human beings whose members identify with each other, and who are regarded as distinctive by those outside the group, turning the group into a "people." Ethnic groups are united by common cultural, behavioral, linguistic, ritualistic, or religious traits, usually but not always on the basis of a common genealogy or ancestry.
6 months ago
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make me knobblerone ;D
yes you quite possibly are
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I didnt mention nationality. I dont actually believe that I am racist. But I do believe that I have a right to be English. I guess I was hoping for support.
i guess youre disappointed eh ?
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you said you were english which is your nationality

dont be a hero
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Ah thats not nice knobby Im silver not paper. A little disapointed legend. More disapointed with these biscuits Im eating though. The picture on the packet made them look so nice but they taste like cardboard.
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I always say I am British what it says on my passport
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Im not sure what being British means. I guess I would say Im English British. I expect I will get some stick for that.
They asked you for your ethnic origin which means (An ethnic group is a group of human beings whose members identify with each other, usually on a presumed or real common heritage) so yeah if you was born in England and live in England it makes you English which enables you to identify and have a common heritage with other English folk i.e. ethnic origin is English

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