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Knitting terms

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bigsister | 10:17 Tue 10th Feb 2009 | How it Works
5 Answers
Sorry, I can't seem to see the correct category for this question, should there be one for 'Hobbies' do you think?
Anyway, does anyone know the English equivalent for the American term 'Laceweight' wool?
Thank for any help you can give me.


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Is it two ply? wool_2ply.php

There is a hobbies section is Society and Culture
And there's already a section on 'Hobbies and Interests' under the 'Society and Culture' topic heading.
Oops, sorry Ethel - I was concentrating on your first link and didn't note your comment. No brownie points for me today!
Question Author
Thank you everyone, I think it probably is 2 ply, although i am going to try and do the in 3 ply as that is what I have.
Thanks also for the tip as to where Hobbies is, never would have thought of there!
Thanks again.

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Knitting terms

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