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Do you think anyone would notice...

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eash | 16:18 Fri 13th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
If I took a nap under my desk? lol


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Join the queue. I'm under there now and your feet stink!
nah,, go ahead do it.. I have before (under my desk that is... not yours)

p.s. I accept no responsibility if you get sacked for following my advice!
hopefully everyone else will have had the same idea it is POE day today isn't it?

when we had a seperate IT office i used to sneak down there and crash out on the sofa, its a goldfish bowl in the middle of sales now, i think someone mght notice :-(
can u see me in the corner eash, I can c u xxxx
no. do it
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Sorry all must have dozed off!

It depends if

a) you snore

b) you sleep walk

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Do you think anyone would notice...

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