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In your next life what would?

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afcjan | 18:58 Sat 14th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
In your next life, what would you like to come back as. After the day my cat has had, running and playing in the garden and now home, had his tea, and laying out on my bed. I think i know what my answer is.


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Is there a next life?
You wanna come back as a bed!!??
Question Author
ohh arent we clever ....... I will rephrase it Legend if there is a next life.....

and Stewey not a bed obviously, but even that would be better than being a plank.....
You have no guarantee that you would come back as a cat that enjoyed the life your cat leads.

You might come back as a cat in a country where they serve them up as food.
I have a feeling that's a British put-down......not bad; I lke it.
Question Author
where u from then Stewey?
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Sorry afcjan.

Perhaps you meant.

Do you believe in reincarnation?
And if so what would yopu like to come back as?

Im not sure i do believe in it so im not able to give a definitive answer.
But for the benefit of the question and so as to show im not being pedantic , i think id like to come back as an amazonian native.
Living deep in the amazon jungle , far from the stresses of modern society and modern life.

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Knobby got it right on:).......About 40 miles east of Toronto, afcjan.
Question Author
I got a cousin in you know Sarnia thats the place not my cousins name

Legend, couldnt have put it better myself. ta very much x
Been there a couple of times. Don't really know it that well.
I would like to some back as one of our chickens! Free to roam the garden and enjoy plenty of love and treats!
Question Author
u wouldnt wanna know him anyway, hes weird....
the buddhists believe that all people
are reincarnated , my cats are more
intelligent than some of the nerds
on the street so maybe they are right !!
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knob my feet are washed every day in the shower..
I think you have the religions mixed up ?
well as they're washed..and it's valentines day....ever had your toes sucked? ;0) ;0)
gonzo ... to much info on the net is bad
news !!

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In your next life what would?

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