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stompe | 14:27 Sun 15th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
posted for a long time?


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I'm sound. We have our internet fixed mow.
chappy wasnt he the life long friend of the renowned blackpoool decapitator and layer to watste of blackpool kebab shops ?

that one may be a bit more self explanitory than you realise ?

im sure he and she are still with us

in somewhat different guises perhaps?
good on ya umkmm
im goin now
must chta tho
ill look out for ya later

you got a wild west costume yet ?

iive spoken to one woman whos saloon girl outfit is in the case already lol

No, that was Adrian Powell
Quite possibly leg, I can't remember much about Donna Kebab as she seemed to disappear soon after I started posting in CB.

I can remember chatting to good_egg and him telling us about his ME, and saying it took a long time for him to type out his replies.

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