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13 year old dad?

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gina32 | 21:03 Sun 15th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
it now seems that 2 other boys have owned up to sleeping with the girl and maybe the father, how sad is that


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I made the comment on here 2 days ago that the boy should get a paternity test.
2 other boys sleeping with the father as well???? the worls has gone sex
I am really dreading the world I will eventually be bringing my kids into!
Strange their were no headlines 6 years ago, when that boy's sister had a baby at 13
Awful as it sounds, not newsworthy enough Ethel unless it's something more media friendly like a multiple birth.

I lived right next to a park for a while and it used to sicken me the things that some of the young girls dressed in, they just looked like mini tarts and the mouths on them!

Young girls and they used to intimidate me, always asking for cigarettes. I used to feel ridiculous as they're just young girls but some of them were really quite intimidating.

What's so wrong with children being children these days.

Lack of parenting skills - but why, I don't know
hi ethel
Hello, Bob
i personally would doubt paternity owing to the simple fact that some 12 year olds havent even started having errections
I have to say some of the examples of parenting I see shock me too.

I was in town not long ago and a lady was near me with a little boy. She was effing and blinding at him, calling him a c*nt and telling him that kids like him were the reason the lady killed her children (the lady in manchester not long ago) and she understood why etc...

What the hell do those children grow up thinking.

That might be an extreme example but not uncommon I'd sad to say.

Just yesterday I was at a supermarket checkout in a very busy Morrisons and a little boy, couldn't have been more than about 3 was running around on his own.

We were watching him and went and got him until his mother decided to come and get him then he was off again and was nearly out the door if another customer hadn't have stopped him. It just amazes me!
Baby boys get erections, bednobs.
i mean in a sexual way
A 12 year old British boy, Sean Stewart, fathered a baby 11 years ago, so this lad isn't the youngest
I think the difference now is that there is more involvement by the media.....and the people concerned-the parents in most cases are much more media -savvy,and know that there are 'rewards' if they tell their sorry stories.

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13 year old dad?

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