So how exactly, fred, am I to read your previous post? You say "You're free to call your church a 'white church' if you like."
Is that intended to be a statement of fact? Then it's false: you are not free to call your church a 'white church' if you like, even if you do not intend that to imply it would �be unfriendly to or discriminate against anyone who is black" The absence of mens rea in that respect would not save your legal skin. It might not as you say be discriminatory, but it would be racist, and you say �Of course the objection is in calling the church a 'black church' with all that may imply and 'racist' in VHG's question is to be read accordingly.�
So if we agree on that, how can you have made your previous post?
Actually VHG's question is a bit confused, as it likens a �black church� to a "whites only" church, and we are informed no doubt authoritatively on all sides that the black Church is not a "blacks only" church, or at any rate not now. Here is the relevant passage in VHG's question: "If a newspaper talked about a "whites only" church there would be cries of racism, questions in the house, and outrage from all sorts of ethnic minorities that they were being excluded."
The cries of racism would, we agree, be justified, and so would the outrage from ethnic minorities if the expression was "whites only", but not if it was your expression �white church�, because you tell us it would not in fact be implied, any more than in the black church. So any outrage would just be a bit more professional offence-taking. But that does not mean that �white church� would be any the less racist!
So not only are you not politically free to call your church a 'white church' if you like, but as a lawyer you way well be able to confirm my above-mentioned impression that you are not legally free to either, and it would be highly actionable.