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Correcting a typo on parchment

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pmjd2000 | 20:54 Mon 16th Feb 2009 | Hobbies & Interests
4 Answers
Can anyone please give me a tip for how to correct a typing error on parchment paper so that the finish is perfect?


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try using a hard rubber, but gently. Or if you have a good magnifying glass, use a scalpel to scrape the image away.

Probably easier to re-type, if it is only paper.
At one time, there was such a thing as a handheld laser typewriting eraser. The laser beam vapourised the ink instantly, but left the surface of the paper clean and unharmed. With the introduction of word processers, it, like typewriters, became redundant.
Years ago when I was working in a Solicitors office, we had to use razor blades to remove any typing errors on parchment paper.
gently scratch off the ink with a blade or craft knife or scalpel.

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Correcting a typo on parchment

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