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very bob-esque
lol, I was trying to wipe a speck off my screen then!
Is this proof or coincidence?
ok ?

is that ok now?
no but then again I am never ok
What do you mean, ok?

Somebody else just happened to post at around the same time as you. It happens all the time.
yes, maybe the real stompe is lurking with a selection of copied youtube links itching to paste
you are hard to please cazzz lol
shall we both play ?
stompe and stomped
we could have a threesome cazzz
There is a way forward. Stomped posts "I will post the word 'OXIDE' at exactly 8pm" , then posts it at 8pm. It's a bit of a bummer if the real stompe happens to be reading this and plays along and also posts 'OXIDE' at 8pm. These are murky waters.
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you could also go along the lines that it was a very clever ploy to coax stompe out of hiding?

by someone who thinks he is brilliant!
yes I like conspiracy theories
i like you cazzeeee your great.
how would we know if it was a ploy stomped

wed need proof

or eveidence

or a clue?

could we do a name that tune guessing game ?

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