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Anyone watching Taggart?

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mrs.chappie | 22:47 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Is the psychic(?) real or phoney? What do ya think?


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oh sh!t im missing it lol
-- answer removed --
Aye theres been a murder in maryhill.
theres been another mudda weeal
No mrs,
I'm watching 'The Mowtown Invasion' xxx
I was too giggly earlier and now Ive got the volume off and forgot bout it
lol sachs, is that them who cut the grass???
watching ramsay

since taggart died the programmes been sh1t

a poor poor imitation of the glory days

its a muuuuuuuuurdurrrrrrrrrrrr
Yah! lolo! xxx
boring !!!
like i said

2nd rate
missed it chappie do you mind putting what happened on a post of not more than 50 words?
it is pure murrrderrr to watch like
Question Author
Nono - it was the psychic that did it.

(That short enough for ya?)
Question Author
Nono - it was the psychic that did it.

(That short enough for ya?)
hey you beeen mom missed you around

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Anyone watching Taggart?

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