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tips for the day.....[if you dare]........

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stokemaveric | 12:37 Sat 21st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
thundering star..1.30..kemton and hold em...3.10 kempton.....only 2 today im afraid but with my recent record thats


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i had a tip for panama at once the other daya

it just came in second by half a length

its running at bangor next week then cheltenham the week after

watch it stokey its maybe worth it
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Already done mine Stoke. 1.30 Kempton Lady Pilot, 1.30 Newcastle Silver By Nature, 3.10 Kempton Possol, 3.30 Newcastle Jass.

Hope one of us has some luck. I've not been doing too well lately either.
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Think they're the ones I backed last week.
syeknod loopkcalb

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tips for the day.....[if you dare]........

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