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123everton | 11:46 Sat 21st Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
If you were a cartoon dude (any it does'nt matter) wo would be your cartoon bird, or alternitively, if you were cartoon babe who would be your cartoon fella, or even, if you were a gay cartoon dude (or babe) who would you have?


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Being a northerner it would obviously have to be Desperate Dan - 'cos he gets all the pies!!
Hi 123everton....obviously I would be Jessica Rabbit....with the ginger hair and all PMSL

My fella would be Johnny Bravo....bit dense but nice to look at :P
I am Holly Hunter/Elastigirl and married to Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible.

I think he is fit.
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Morning Hays, I always thought Cheetara was a fine piece of cartoon crumpet, but I think I'd be black and blue afterwards! LOL
I also have a soft spot for Aladdin :P
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Actually he looks like one of my bosses from many many moons ago LOL

This one, I have spent a lifetime watching Disney films with nieces and nephews!!
Now this is more manly LOL!

see what you have started 123everton
Betty boop! ;0)
If Im not allowed to be Chun Li, then I would be Sailor Mars and my dude would be Alucard!

oops sorry. not sure what happened there
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Disney do do some real cartoon crumpet.

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