I have been working for the same company for the past 3 years and used to love my job but recently I have become complacant (sp) and am beginning to hate working here. My work load is almost non existent so I am bored all the time. I have spoken to my boss on several occasions to try and get more jobs/move to new areas but to no avail. I don't have any qualifications and can not afford to take time out of work to get any. What should I do?
i understand where ur coming from. i absolutely hate my job. id do anything to not have to go, the pay is rubbish, the people are nasty and its an all round terrible job! but when i apply for jobs ,my age goes against me because im 19 (20 next week) i dont no if i should even attempt to go to college so tht i can get a better job. i have reached the stage where i am ready to hand in my notice and have no job at all :(