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tks for input munchie 63, luckily I have never had to do this, but I truly believe that if you phone them to ask anything, then your details go on their computer and it shows up when you enter the US, the moral being if you must ring them do it phone someone elses phone, not from home and invent a name !There was a nice guy on a quiz show last year who said he & 30 odd mates went to see the Hatton fight and only 3 got in, the rest were sent back on arrival !!!!!
I think you did the right thing in your case and at least you had peace of mind.
Once many years ago we took my grandaughter age 6 to Orlando, I had just remarried so my passport hadnt been changed, Portuguese hubbys was obviosly a different name and so was the grandchild, on arrival at immigration they took us and "grilled" us and obviously wanted to see if we really were of " one family" in the end my grandaughter said in really sweet voice " excuse me but I think your rather nosey and in a minute my grandma is going to explode and my daddy says she has a wicked temper" after that they just laughed and said go- your are definately from one family.
I am off to Vegas in April and the new form you have to fill in before you leave was done by the travel agent in minutes.
best regards Dee