could i have help withthe 5 letterswhich form a definition of the 8 items round perimeter as have completed rest of xword-tried teas as per some suggestions earlier but could only find oolong so must be on wrong track-surely something to do with skinned-is send ink a red herring?names of tattoos?or coffees?thanks
Hello yello12,
Send ink is not relevent. Nor is teas. Did you dind the 7 clues that had a definition, but the cryptic element ignore one letter? 2 pairs of those clues intersect, hence the unclued lettersw only occupy 5 squares. Highlight them and all will be revealed. All the items appear in Chambers 2003.
Bonjour, Yellow12!
Did you see the drum? I have found TAMBOUR and am ondering if it's one of them? Is this a French thing? Because I am also seeing JAMBE? Please confirm. The perimeter is challenging, indeed!