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Gravel Driveway Floods

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stoofur | 09:49 Sun 22nd Feb 2009 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
We bought our flat just under a year ago and with the recent heavy rains we have noticed our driveway floods quite deeply (two to three inches) right against the wall of our bedroom. The drive is a gravel drive and I have tried using a gardening fork and even a long drill bit to make holes in the ground to try and make the water drain away. We have now also noticed that there is mould on the inside of that same wall. How can I prevent the drive from flooding right nextdoor to the wall? Any ideas would be welcome.


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Sounds like the only way you are going to do it is put a drain in. You can set this in the lowest point of the drive and put a concrete apron round it (only about 4" wide or so) to stop gravel getting washed in. Next problem, where to take the water. Two choices as I see it. Either connect in to your existing drainage (down pipe from a roof gutter will do) or dig a soakaway in some handy patch of ground. Impossible to decide which is best as can't see the site!
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Does not sound easy or cheap?

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Gravel Driveway Floods

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