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3 pastas.

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carrust | 11:06 Mon 23rd Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
What shape of pasta should I have with bolognese sauce for me tea tonight. Penne, fusilli or farfalle?
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Morning carrust....b0llocks.

I am off to play snooker.
out of those 3, penne, but personally if I am not having it with spaghetti, i would go for rigatoni or those sprial things that the kids like (spiralli?) like long spiralled macaroni.
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Morning squid...same to you!
Why don't you layer it into a bake, like macaroni cheese, but using your pasta sauce and sprinkle cheese over each layer and pop in the oven or under the grill to brown the top.
carrust....LOL LOL
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Funnygirl. Isn't that lasagne, without the flat lasagne pasta?
Yes, it is!

But it is different.
I would use the fusilli or the penne......they are shaped to hold the sauce.
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Funnygirl. I'll give that one a go. Thanks.
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Saw Santana in the early 70's...showing my age now:-((
Ah but do you remember This? carrust
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yes stompe. remember that 1. Didn't know it was by sultana though.
-- answer removed --
I would avoid the fartfall

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