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Squeak Squeak Pop !!!

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joggerjayne | 19:09 Mon 23rd Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I don't know about the rest of you, but for me ...

(and maybe for Stompe)

... it's THAT time of day again !!!



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Right. That's it. Home for me. Now..........

I have a nice Pinot waiting for me. I can hear it calling out to me as I type.

Bye all xx
Your 9mins Late!!
When is the Jam jar coming?
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Salla ...

Do you think they all fell for that ?

Or do you think they will have guessed that you and I are just sneaking off together until sqad pulls himself together?

Maybe we need to think up a better a better cover story.

-- answer removed --
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Might be a couple of weeks, Stompe. At the moment, I've still got a Ford (yeah yeah, I know) that I hired when it snowed (the MGF is hopeless on slippy roads).
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Leggy ... it's lovely, and it's going to be fab.

I will drive over any cars that get in my way.
hi jayne, is it still snowing in brighton?
(_) please fill

good job its only That time of day .Not that time of month
Question Author
Another fab and clever picture, dusty.

cazzz ... erm, no ... the snow's cleared a little bit, now.


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Squeak Squeak Pop !!!

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