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Pet hates

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NoMercy | 14:41 Tue 24th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
People not washing their hands when they go to the bathroom; bad English (those people what don't speak proper could of tried harder, like when they was at school, innit?) eating steak 'well done' (stop ruining good meat, you phillistines!!) These are just some of my pet hates.

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1. bad drivers
2. school-run land rovers
3. lending people money which never gets repaid
barmaid....particularly the thong that sticks above the jeans. One of my daughter in laws came to the villa and I said to her "Jayne I can see your knickers" and she replied "Ther'e not knickers and it is the fashion"

Yer what?
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I agree about the lending money thing! A former friend of mine was such a big sponger and yet she was quite loaded and didn't have to work. One xmas I treated her to a day at the spa which cost �273. She never even bothered to write me a card - "I didn't get you anything cos what do you get someone that's got everything?"
Bugger me - do I have every bottle of wine in the world?
Oh, I could sit here all day listing mine...the most recent ones, however are...

1) People coughing/sneezing without covering their mouths/noses.
2) That Nell McAndrew "feeling bloated" advert
3) Seeing dogs walk by the side of the road with no leads on
4) People being mean to animals - there's just no need for it
5) People who think they're above everyone else - I won't name names
7) Carrots - I just can't stand the little bliters
8) Kerry Katona
9) Bad hygiene - eg, BO; I can't honestly understand why people don't smell it on themselves
1) Liars
2) Cheats
3) Men who pretend to be women on internet chatsites.
4) Lying, cheating trannys.

Old blokes wearing jeans (cheapos)
Old guys with earrings ..
and they shave their heads to try
and look cool more like divheads !!
smoked salmon & scrambled eggs - sooo vulgar!
oysters with tomato sauce - sooo v.v. vulgar
Fillet steak with tomato sauce - know where I'm at?
Pukka curry with tom. sauce - :(
Spanish paella with tom.sauce - :(
Chop suey with tom. s. - :(
Any foreign cuisine with t.s. - :(

DONT blow nose in front of others eating! Nor spit over others' meal while talking. Or use other's forks to sample their dish.

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And any blokes who scratch their
nuts in public ...
No, apparently just yours no-knowledge! but never mind the name befits the answers, I don't like rude people and make no apoligies for that

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