I took my little westie to the vets last night for a check up after his castration and she said that dogs usually have a high temp at about 101.6, but my pup was 103! She said to keep him calm and not to take him for long walks where he could get hotter and pass out. Naturally i'm a bit worried now - is there anything i can do to calm him down?? He is a very excitable doggy!
Little dogs have more of a problem with anaesthetics and operations than the larger varieties and often have a problem with regulating their temperatures afterwards. All I can suggest is that you just let him outside for a wee, etc. for the next few days and make sure that he is kept as calm and relaxed as possible.
He seems fine in himself pussy, its just a worry that he had a high temp. He's just a naturally hyper doggy, even the vet said so, so i think maybe he just gets himself a little to worked up!? :)