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daneswalk | 23:15 Fri 27th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
we meet every morning a bunch of dog walkers this morning a women appeared with a jack-a -doodle belonging to her brother nice little dog whemn it was time to leave as she tried to put its lead on it turned on her and tore both her hands we rushed to help and got the dog away from her she had to go for an anti-tetenus injection havent heard what happened had it been my dog i would have had it destroyed as it could do the same to children am i right or am i wrong



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hi danes xxxxxxxxxxx
Question Author
hi chicko bird nice to hear from you i have not been coming on a lot as i find one or two nasty remarks from people which i dont like however i find people like you are very nice
His Danes -its me !!!
I am not on a lot biut hope you catch this.

How mild has it been? Maybe youre gettimng the sea breaze but obviously im not -its bliss.

My son is coming up for the weekend from Edinburgh so its all go -we have a busy schedule -keep some of that Grouse for me !!

Did I ever tell you thet I rented a cottage on the banks of the Tay from Matthew Gloag-on his estate--he was a nasty bit of stuff but his wife was lovely.

Hope youre keeping just fine and its lovely to catch up with you -regards to the missus xxx
Meant Hi Danes of course !!

thanks danes xxxxx

hi driss xxxxxxx mate xx
maybe it's not a good idea for dog walkers to meet up in that way

it could be intimidating for the more nervous dogs

and an inappropriate way to introduce those dogs into canine company

if one is being paid for dog walking then perhaps it might be sensible to be more cautious

it is unfair to put nervous dogs in that situation and then blame them, as they need to be introduced gently by dog training sessions

They should not be destroyed by people who have not taken them on in the spirit of building their confidence

Are these people paid dog-walkers, as they seem very inexperienced?

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